The Essential cTBNA Broncho-scopist is a seventy page module containing 30 detailed question/answer sets, annotated images, and a twelve question multiple choice post-test geared to help learners acquire cognitive and technical skills necessary to become competent performing conventional transbronchial needle aspiration.
The Essential EBUS Broncho-scopist is a collection of 30 multiple choice questions with detailed answers to help learners acquire cognitive and experiential skills related to endobronchial ultrasound. Topics covered include indications, techniques, complications, mediastinal and ultrasound anatomy, physics, and radiology, and complex decision-making. This book is an extremely useful and popular learning guide for chest physicians and bronchoscopists performing EBUS around the world.
The Essential Flexible Broncho-scopist is a 180 question/answer study guide that has been translated into 20 languages. Covering virtually all aspects of diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy, modules include history, procedures, quality control, expected results, mediastinal and airway anatomy, patient safety, factual knowledge, technical skill pearls, and abundant color images.
The Essential Intensivist Broncho-scopist contains 120 multiple choice questions and answers for critical care physicians, pulmonologists and anesthesiologists. Topics include sedation, inhalation injury, intubation, trauma, valve insertion, percutaneous tracheostomy, airway bleeding, difficult airway management, and bronchoscopy for patients with lung infiltrates.
The Introduction to Flexible Bronchoscopy Training Manual combines the science of bronchoscopy with technical skill instruction, essential reading materials, validated assessment tools to measure and document performance, simulation scenarios, patient-centered practical approach exercises, and checklists to enhance patient, operator and equipment safety.
The EBUS-Guided TBNA Training Manual is a competency-based program that addresses course organization, ultrasound physics, equipment, instrumentation, mediastinal exploration and staging, radiography- bronchoscopy correlations, image analysis, tumor markers, specimen handling, team dynamics and communicatio, and EBUS-related techniques.